And now, here’s an incredibly wholesome anecdote of life imitating art. In a prior version of this post, titled 22 Things That Are Seen As Normal In Movies Or TV But Would Be Suuuuuper Weird IRL, u/KellyBluePants said, “Someone walks up to the bar and says, ‘I’ll have a beer.’ They get served immediately.”
And in the comments, somebody shared how they made that happen for their cousin:
“When my cousin visited the US, he had a list of things he’d seen in movies that he wanted to do. One of them was to walk up to a bar and say, ‘Gimme a beer,’ and immediately be given a beer. This had obviously not worked in the bars where he tried it on his road trip from LA to my house. So when we went out to my local pub, I texted the bartender and told him to just give my cousin a Budweiser when he asked for a beer. My cousin was DELIGHTED. Pretty sure that was the highlight of his trip.”