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88 Constellation Names (and 24 You Can Only See From the Northern Hemisphere)

The International Astronomical Union defines 88 official constellations, each with a designated constellation boundary. These constellations include a mix of ancient constellations from Greek mythology and modern constellations introduced in later centuries.

1. Andromeda

Represents a princess in Greek mythology.

2. Antlia

A modern constellation representing an air pump.

3. Apus

A southern constellation representing the bird of paradise.

4. Aquarius

Represents the water bearer.

5. Aquila

Depicts an eagle, associated with Zeus.

6. Ara

Symbolizes an altar.

7. Aries

Represents a ram from Greek mythology.

8. Auriga

Represents a charioteer.

9. Boötes

Depicts a herdsman.

10. Caelum

A faint constellation representing a chisel.

11. Camelopardalis

A faint constellation representing a giraffe.

12. Cancer

Represents a crab from Greek mythology.

13. Canes Venatici

Depicts two hunting dogs.

14. Canis Major

Represents a great dog; home to Sirius, the brightest star visible from Earth.

15. Canis Minor

Represents a small dog, featuring the star Procyon.

16. Capricornus

Represents a sea-goat.

17. Carina

A southern constellation depicting part of a ship.

18. Cassiopeia

Represents a queen in Greek mythology.

19. Centaurus

A large southern constellation depicting a centaur.

20. Cepheus

Represents a king in Greek mythology.

21. Cetus

Represents a sea monster from Greek mythology.

22. Chamaeleon

A faint constellation named after a chameleon.

23. Circinus

A modern constellation representing a compass.

24. Columba

Represents a dove.

25. Coma Berenices

Represents Berenice’s Hair, from an ancient Egyptian legend.

26. Corona Australis

Represents the southern crown.

27. Corona Borealis

Represents the northern crown.

28. Corvus

Represents a crow.

29. Crater

Represents a cup.

30. Crux

The Southern Cross, a key navigation aid.

31. Cygnus

Depicts a swan in flight.

32. Delphinus

Represents a dolphin.

33. Dorado

A southern constellation representing a swordfish.

34. Draco

A dragon wrapped around the pole star.

35. Equuleus

Represents a small horse.

36. Eridanus

Represents a river.

37. Fornax

A modern constellation representing a furnace.

38. Gemini

Represents the twins Castor and Pollux.

39. Grus

Represents a crane.

40. Hercules

Represents the hero Hercules from Greek mythology.

41. Horologium

A modern constellation representing a clock.

42. Hydra

The largest constellation, representing a serpent.

43. Hydrus

A southern water snake.

44. Indus

A modern constellation representing an Indigenous person.

45. Lacerta

Represents a lizard.

46. Leo

Represents a lion from Greek mythology.

47. Leo Minor

A smaller lion.

48. Lepus

Represents a hare.

49. Libra

Represents the scales.

50. Lupus

Represents a wolf.

51. Lynx

A faint constellation near Ursa Major.

52. Lyra

Represents a lyre, linked to Orpheus.

53. Mensa

A modern constellation representing Table Mountain.

54. Microscopium

A modern constellation representing a microscope.

55. Monoceros

Represents a unicorn.

56. Musca

Represents a fly.

57. Norma

A modern constellation representing a set square.

58. Octans

A southern constellation featuring the south pole star.

59. Ophiuchus

Represents a serpent bearer.

60. Orion

A hunter from Greek mythology.

61. Pavo

Represents a peacock.

62. Pegasus

Represents a winged horse.

63. Perseus

A hero from Greek mythology.

64. Phoenix

A mythical bird.

65. Pictor

A modern constellation representing an easel.

66. Pisces

Represents fish from Greek mythology.

67. Piscis Austrinus

Represents the southern fish.

68. Puppis

Part of the ship Argo.

69. Pyxis

Represents a mariner’s compass.

70. Reticulum

A modern constellation representing a net.

71. Sagitta

Represents an arrow.

72. Sagittarius

Represents a centaur archer.

73. Scorpius

Represents a scorpion.

74. Sculptor

A modern constellation representing a sculptor.

75. Scutum

Represents a shield.

76. Serpens

A constellation divided into two parts, representing a serpent.

77. Sextans

A modern constellation representing a sextant.

78. Taurus

Represents a bull from Greek mythology.

79. Telescopium

A modern constellation representing a telescope.

80. Triangulum

Represents a triangle.

81. Triangulum Australe

The Southern Triangle.

82. Tucana

Represents a toucan.

83. Ursa Major

A large bear, home to the Big Dipper.

84. Ursa Minor

A small bear, home to Polaris, the pole star.

85. Vela

Part of the ship Argo.

86. Virgo

Represents a maiden.

87. Volans

Represents a flying fish.

88. Vulpecula

Represents a little fox.

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