No one did more damage to California businesses than Governor Gavin Newsom. Between insane COVID lockdowns that shuttered a lot of doors to unfair ‘equitable’ re-opening policies to insane tax rates to minimum wage hikes, Gavin Newsom was the enemy of business owners and free enterprise.
He’s hoping we all have the collective memory of a goldfish, and that we forget this as he eyes higher office.
Not only has Newsom broken ranks with Democrats on boys in girls’ sports (don’t believe that’s a genuine change, FYI), but he suddenly wants businesses to reach out to him directly with concerns.
Scoop: Gov. Gavin Newsom confirms he’s been sending cellphones to the leaders of major California businesses with his direct line programmed into them.
Amid his pro biz push, sources told me some in the tech industry at first didn’t think it was real.
— Ashley Zavala (@ZavalaA) March 18, 2025
Gov. Gavin Newsom has been sending cellphones to the heads of major businesses in California with his direct line programmed into them.
Multiple sources on Monday night told KCRA 3 that several tech executives received the phones, some as recently as over the weekend. Those sources said some in the tech industry were at first skeptical and had security concerns when they received the phones.
Newsom’s office confirmed the action on Monday night but would not say who exactly has received them so far. The office said the governor has been sending them on a rolling basis since November to the CEOs of roughly the top 100 largest California-based companies.
“This was the governor’s idea to connect more directly with business leaders in the state. The feedback has been positive, and it’s led to valuable interactions,” said Izzy Gardon, the governor’s communications director.
Who is paying for these phones, by the way?
Do these business owners not have phones?
— 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗠𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮 (@txsalth2o) March 18, 2025
Guess not.
I don’t get this. Who is paying for the monthly service? Just give them your phone number. Or are these untraceable and outside of FOIA or something?
— Logos2021 Centrist, XX, Pro-Free Speech (@LogosMMXX) March 18, 2025
Oh, that’s an interesting question, and one this writer hadn’t thought of. ARE they outside of FOIA?
One would think not, but it warrants digging into.
Nothing says California government overspending like sending a new iPhone to a millionaire so they can have your phone number.
— David G (@David_G_94) March 18, 2025
Not all business owners are millionaires, especially small business owners.
Why is Newsom handing out physical phones instead of just sharing a secure contact line?
His office claims a nonprofit is covering the costs, but why not use existing secure methods?
A dedicated hotline or encrypted messaging system (ideal) would be more efficient and less…
— Bobby Shokri (@BobbyShokri) March 18, 2025
The entire post reads:
A dedicated hotline or encrypted messaging system (ideal) would be more efficient and less wasteful.
What would happen if @Doge decided to dig into the California State Protocol Foundation? Wonder who funds it, how much is being spent, and what else it’s paying for.
Excellent questions.
Wonder if those phones can be tracked? That thing needs to go in a Faraday bag if they keep it.
— GruntDoc (@gruntdoc) March 18, 2025
Probably a wise idea to stick it in a Faraday bag.
Any gift from a political figure needs to be declared tacit Quid Pro Quo. Since his number is not public information, this sounds like corruption or at least an attempt to extort businesses
— dMac (@dMac_716) March 18, 2025
If President Trump did this, the Left would lose their minds screaming about corruption.
Trump paid for a woman’s groceries and the Left screamed he was buying her vote.
Well, it is a little hard to believe since his sole purpose in government has been to chase business out of state.
— LincolnHillsFrau (@bayareahausfrau) March 18, 2025
It is ridiculously transparent.
This is what @GavinNewsom’s fellow governors think of him.
Gotta imagine these executives had a similar reaction when they were told about this gimmick from a guy who thinks he’s too important to just give them his phone number.
— Jim Stanley (@JimStanleyCA) March 18, 2025
Oof. That’s brutal.
Flashback to @GavinNewsom’s Paneragate scandal when he hooked up his buddy and major donor (who bragged about being able to text @CAgovernor) with a crooked carve-out from CA’s fast food minimum wage law.
Can’t wait to see what kind of corruption comes out of this scheme.
— Jim Stanley (@JimStanleyCA) March 18, 2025
Don’t forget this, either.
Gavin Newsom is so out of touch he is mailing CEOs burner phones just to get them to talk to him.
If he were winning, he’d already have their numbers.
This screams desperation.
“Please don’t leave!!”
Finally feeling the effect of too many business breaking up with California?
— Maxie Douglas (@Maxiehd1) March 18, 2025
This writer would love for a business owner — say one plagued by shoplifting — to call Newsom on this phone and record the conversation.
She bets that would be very insightful.