Photo: Getty Images
March 2nd, 2014 is a day that will live in Oscar infamy. Host Ellen Degeneres, in a show of force that one assumed was meant to intimidate any future Oscar emcees, declared her intention to set the world record for most retweets on Twitter, and to that end called to heel ten of Hollywood’s top stars to assemble for a selfie. Assemble they did — Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper, Channing Tatum, Jennifer Lawrence, Kevin Spacey, Angelina Jolie, and two of that night’s newly minted Oscar winners, Jared Leto and Lupita Nyong’o — in what remains one of the more cursed totems in Academy Awards history. Within a decade, both Spacey and Ellen would be canceled, Pitt and Jolie’s marriage would end in deeply ugly fashion, Tatum and Lawrence would be debased in various ways by the X-Men film franchise, Streep would be exiled to the cold wasteland of television, Jared Leto would portray the Joker so off-puttingly that it helped kill an entire wave of DC superhero films, and Bradley Cooper would proceed to get infinitesimally weirder each day, until one day he made Maestro.
Even the photo itself looks haunted: Julia Roberts’ floating head and all-devouring grin; Kevin Spacey jump-scaring into the background, probably directly from the depths of hell; Jared Leto’s one intense eye; Angelina obscuring her own face. Thank goodness for Peter Nyong’o, an oasis of unblemished normalcy amid this tableau of the soul-sucking nature of fame, where A-List stature damns you to an eternity of assembling at the whim of a mom-dancing talk-show host who everybody in the room knows is mean but nobody will say anything about it for another six years.
Anyway, eleven years! A lot’s happened since then, huh?