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All telescopes aren’t created equal, but how do you find a good one? Here’s what I now look for when trying to decide between one telescope and another.
Computerized Aiming
If you’re a beginner, don’t let your complete ignorance of the night sky frighten you away from picking up a telescope. There are plenty of models out there that will do the aiming for you.
I have a Celestron 114LCM computerized telescope. After going through the initial system calibration process, I merely have to enter the name of what astrological object I want to find, and the telescope does the rest. I input information using the remote attached to the telescope by a cable.
Some telescopes pair with an app instead, allowing you to aim them using your phone.
Whether you know how to manually aim at a celestial body or not, it’s worth getting a telescope that can do that work for you. For experienced astronomers, it serves as a time saver. For newbies, your telescope does double duty as your guide, pointing you toward fascinating things in the night sky.
A Sturdy Tripod
A good telescope is a sizable investment, and it’s a fragile one. Unlike a smartphone, you can’t protect one by plopping it in a case, but a stable tripod is the next best thing. This will keep your telescope from falling over from the slightest bump or gust of wind.
Even if you have one of the best camera tripods you can find, chances are it won’t be able to serve double-duty as your telescope tripod. The latter need to be larger and sturdier, given that telescopes are both bigger and heavier than cameras. They also use a different type of mount. This is why telescopes tend to come with their own tripod.
If you can, download a copy of the product manual before purchase or look up reviews. Get a feel for how the tripod locks into place. Mine has a tray that secures itself in such a way that the three legs can’t bend as long as the tray is there. It’s a great design that combines practicality with stability, since it also serves as a place to keep lenses and any other stargazing supplies.
Large Aperture
While there are a number of specs to learn when trying to determine if a telescope is able to give you a decent view of what you want to see, aperture is the single number that tells you the most. Aperture refers to the size of the hole that lets light into the system. Like with cameras and the human eye itself, you don’t get a pretty image if you don’t have enough light to work with.
Depending on the type of telescope you’re considering, aperture may also refer to the size of the mirror inside. My telescope has a reflector that is 114 mm, which is around 4.5 inches. A newer model boasts 125 mm, which is closer to 5 inches.
I’ve been eyeing various Dobsonian telescopes because they often offer a much larger 8-inch mirror. They’re less portable, but they can also offer a larger or more detailed view of celestial bodies.

Sky-Watcher Classic 200 Dobsonian
A Laser or Electronic Finder
The first time I used a telescope, I tried to see what I could spot by aiming the telescope blindly at the sky and then looking through the lens. All I saw was black. I couldn’t tell if the lens was out of focus or if I was just looking at nothing at all.
My current telescope may be computerized, but it also has a separate smaller scope with a laser finder. This is used during the initial calibration process when setting up the telescope’s computer, but it is also helpful for looking at things that may not be in the system. I can look through the finder, make sure the laser is pointing directly at what I want to see, then look through the actual telescope.
If you have no idea where to look, even if you don’t have a computerized telescope, you can get pointers by checking out one of the many stellar astronomy apps available for your phone.
A Good Carrying Case
I am fortunate that I live in a rural area and have a gorgeous view of the night sky whenever I step outside. Yet for the majority of people living in cities and suburbs, this isn’t the case. You’re going to need to take your telescope somewhere else in order to get good use out of it, which means you need a safe way to transport it.
This detail is easy to overlook, and unlike the other things I’ve named, it’s not likely to come included with your telescope. Take a look at the accessories available for your scope to see if there is a carrying case designed explicitly for your model. If not, see if there is an appropriately sized third-party option that will fit your telescope’s dimensions.

USA Gear Refractor Telescope Case
For that matter, consider the portability of the telescope itself. If it’s difficult to take apart, or it’s too heavy to lug around, then it may not be a good fit for where you live. It may fit in a carrying case, but after one or two uses, you’ll decide it’s too much bother to deal with.
Also, consider whether you want one big, heavy bag or multiple smaller ones. Celestron sells a larger bag that can hold both my telescope and a tripod, but it also offers smaller ones sized just for the tripod and the telescope individually. I’m a tall guy, and I have space in both my home and my car for a bigger bag. Your circumstances may be different. Two bags may fit better in your closet or your car, and a big one on each shoulder may be easier to carry.
There’s no one telescope that’s the best option for every person. You’re looking for one that’s a good fit for you. But if it’s one that can help you find stars, isn’t hard to aim, provides a good view of the night sky, is not likely to fall over, and is portable enough to get it where you want it, then you’re not likely to be disappointed.